Plusle on the left is number 049, minun on the right is number 050.
English is not better, minun is number 69 and plusle is number 71 in ex hidden legends.
Plusle on the left is number 049, minun on the right is number 050.
English is not better, minun is number 69 and plusle is number 71 in ex hidden legends.
Fusion dance
Pokemon hates happiness. It’s the only explanation
The Double Crisis Kyogre and Groudon are similar. The Team Aqua’s Kyogre EX is 6/34 (or 006/034 in Japanese) and Team Magma’s Groudon EX is 15/34 (or 015/034). In addition, in the National Index, Kyogre comes before Groudon. So if we put them in that order, we get this…
Would look so much better if they were facing each other:
Good thing I organize my sets in reverse order.
If plusle and minun did the fusion dance, would they cancel each other out and become nothingness? Or since fu-sion-ho also adds a multiplier, would they just become an imaginary number?
Maybe THISis the true origin of Missingno.
I dunno @quuador, I kinda like them facing opposite directions. Looks good either way imo
When Japanese text is written in columns, the columns are right to left. Maybe that’s why, but no idea, really.
This reminds of how Dark Explorers has a Raikou and Entei EX, but Suicune is nowhere to be seen.
Is it because when the other way around the rainbow is joined?
It’s quite obvious that a heart rainbow and star rainbow are completely different and would send the universe into complete chaos were they to cross paths but the absolute joy in the faces of plusle and minun meeting at the end of their respective rainbows to dance and be happy together is without doubt the whole reason they are this way.