I’ve been out of all things pokemon for the majority of this year. Buying, selling, opening new sets, older sets, consuming content on here and YouTube (but not Reddit ever ) etc.
Thankfully I’m coming back into it in all aspects and catching up on what I’ve been missing over the last week or so.
Again I see the narrative on modern/ultra modern. A quick filter made it very easy to find some comments with people disregarding modern/ultra modern. However after price checking all XY and S&M boxes, etbs and loose packs that I was surprised with the supply and pricing ( on Cardmarket in Europe anyway) of the mentioned products… I was surprised to see the price increases of the above mentioned products despite people saying there’s too much out there, too much being hoarded etc.
The same type of comments can be said in todays time of the SWSH era and sets like Chilling Reign (and the Rudy video where he bought 3-4000 boxes at 80 usd and everyone laughed at him) Fusion Strike and now Lost Origin.
I mean no offence to the below who said the same type of things back in 2018-20 about the XY & S&M blocks. Yet at least in Europe the vast majority of XY & S&M boxes have gone down to single digit availability and well over the €100 for a box and €3-4 a loose pack/sleeved pack.
2020 - “Just a few years ago everyone was saying "too many reprints! modern cards won’t ever be worth anything, it’s overprinted, you can’t give it away. why is (insert one of several xy/sun moon sets) pack still in these new tins 2 years after it was released?’
2020 - The big problem now is that there are many more people who are outright investing in sealed product or having sealed “collections”. That’s a big problem because everything is supply and demand. If everyone is “investing” in modern sealed then guess what happens in the future? Supply is still high because everyone has a closet full of sealed product. If supply is high then prices will not appreciate.
Anything after phantom forces is probably not investable because of the massive print runs. Just look at the comment’s from smprattes video about modern product.
2020 - Who knows 10 years down the line it may be valuable, but with the amount of people hoarding them, the number of cards being graded will not end even in 20 years from now and i’m sure once it hits a certain price point acceptable to the hoarders, the market will be flooded with them.
2018 - Supply. There are videos on youtube of people buying and sitting on (literally) pyramids of new product composed of dozens of booster boxes. There’s no telling how many people are out there doing this but it’s definitely not a few. There will be a steady supply of new product for the next 20 years and then some.
Reprints - As demonstrated with Roaring Skies, there’s no telling when the Pokemon Co. will decide to reprint a set or whether they will do it 1:1 etc. It’s all up in the air. You could buy several boxes only for them to be worthless 10 years from now due to a reprint.
2018 - Look at Jungle and Fossil, it took 19 years for them to go from $3 to $30 with smaller print runs than we have today.
Late XY and SM product is more available than any other generation right now.
2018 - Low print runs will directly influence value. In SM there is no inaccessible card, no tough grade, no real chase. Prices won’t collapse but there’s not much room for growth.”
I don’t believe the sets such as brilliant stars, crown zenith, silver tempest and the SV block
sets will be any different in a few years time and anyone tracking the availability of booster boxes, loose packs or etbs on Cardmarket will see the numbers dwindle down and prices rise.
Also I just want to clarify I own zero SWSH era booster boxes or sealed product with the exception of a cosmic eclipse build and battle kit that a got as a gift from a good friend in the hobby. My investments are my house, stocks and a small bit of gold and bitcoin not cases of pokemon product.
Glad to be back on here and catching up on all the error cards people having being posting and seeing peoples collections continue to grow