I am curious as to what the odds are and factors involved in a gold star returns set or reprint ex series. Is this stupidly unlikely because kids love them some full art team up textured cards or is this a legit possibility. Also from the perspective of someone who owns some gold stars whats the odds that I can add some new pokemon to the collection? Whats the odds that a booster box from an ex set I may have gets reprinted? I mean its the same company after all, you’d think after a while we’d get someone who notices that gold stars are fire.
people probably didnt expect nintendo to make TRR or evolutionis but idk, just curious
Reprints of out-of-print sets will never happen. That being said, I would not be surprised if we get a gold star revival á la Shining Legends. Pokemon has seen how successful the shiny-based sets are, and given their affinity for money, I would certainly not rule out a return of the gold star mechanic in some way.
People have already complained that it takes way too much $ to pull the chase cards out of modern sets. With gold stars only appearing once in every two booster boxes, I doubt that pull rate will ever be replicated again.
As @fourthstartcg said though, they could definitely go with a “Shining Stars” type of set and give us the gold star Lugia and Ho Oh we’ve always deserved, with similar pull rates as shining legends
I won’t rule out a new series of shining Pokemon (rather it’s a question of when, not if). However, even if Nintendo were to release something similar to Gold Stars in a modern set, it would probably not reach them in terms of fame and notoriety, because print runs are high, card quality is high and everyone is already prepared to keep them in pristine condition and grade them.
The only way for Nintendo to create real Gold Star successors as set cards is to crank the pull rate up to eleven. I’m talking about 1 in 1000 packs. That would offset the high print numbers and high card quality. (Or make it 1 in 4000 to emulate in-game conditions lol)
Or (and this is what I would prefer), reintroduce point cards and partly make them Gold Star successors. I mean, did you know that the Pokemon trainer club still exists? Did you know that the point earning system is still in place? Nintendo has everything it needs to revive fan club rewards like the eevee and magikarp, they just don’t do anything useful with it. At the moment the points do nothing noteworthy aside from qualifying you for higher tournaments.
Imagine that they would lock some seriously desirable cards behind a certain amount of play! points. For example an embossed version of the Shining Gyarados. Or the Espeon and Umbreon Gold Stars, this time as holos. And by setting the threshold high enough, they can ensure that only the most dedicated fans accumulate enough points to reap those rewards.
I mean, these kind of look like gold stars. They are gold, have stars and are shiny pokemon and kind of “rare” in terms of numbers per case. Also they are beautiful cards.