WOTC Booster Box reseal

If it is a WOTC booster box sealed with the “Wizards of the Coast” logo on the plastic, is this very unlikely to be a fake?

I’m just worried because I see a lot of different types of conditions of the plastic seal, sometimes it’s very loose on the corners and has air bubbles, whereas sometimes it’s very tight and there are no gaps at all.

What should I be looking at for authenticity of sealed booster boxes?

Should the seam be on any particular side?

Check the seal join, im pretty sure if it’s resealed it’ll give off like a yellowy tinge on the join from where they’ve used a heat gun to seal it off. That’s my understanding. And if there’s dirty underneath the wrapping it’s possible a reseal :ok_hand: theres a lot more signs than that I’m pretty sure but that’s all I know atm

If the seal has round openings on the sides of the box stay away! Even if it has WOTC logos. I’ve heard of shysters taking magic the gathering seals and putting them on Pokémon booster boxes. It looks horrible and obvious but some suckers have bought them.

If you are interested in a sealed item that looks suspicious, post a picture before you purchase and we can help.

I once purchased 3 Resealed neo destiny booster boxes. The boxes were all real and were resealed because a vender had opened them and marked every pack inside with a price sticker and then had them resealed when he closed up shop.

That is of course a rare instance where it was not a fake, plus he was not trying to pass it off as being originally sealed. It was very clearly a reseal.
Oh and the packs were all legit and not weighed. I still have one of those boxes in the reseal, but opened 2 of them.

In your case, I would be wary of anything fishy. Most boxes I ever purchased were a pretty tight seal and I think a loose seal could imply it was stored poorly to begin with.


Was looking at this one.

It looks like the top may be depressed down a bit but I guess that’s fine

that box is 100% fine


It’s just cause I’ve seen ones like this:


Where the plastic doesn’t look as tight and it’s been stretched a bit.

But I guess they’re fine.

Thanks for the help!

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Look what arrived today!



I’m equally impressed by that keyboard!