WOTC GodBook - Production images of vintage sets


A “GodBook” is a Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) produced comprehensive digital file/document containing all the details of an upcoming card set before its official release. This document typically includes high-resolution images of the cards. It’s usually intended for internal use or specific partners who need advance knowledge of the set for marketing, planning, or other business purposes.

Below are some scans of GodBooks that have made it out to the public. Thanks to @lyleberr for sharing the source: WOTC GodBooks Discussion - Does anyone else have any details?


EN_PMGH (Gym Heroes) Ed1 (v.2)

EN_Pokémon Neo1 Edition 1


DE_Pokémon BaseSet Ed1

DE_Pokémon Jungle Ed1

DE_Pokémon Fossil Ed1

DE_Pokémon Team Rocket

DE_Pokémon Neo1 Ed1

DE_Pokémon Neo2 Ed1

Sealed Product Designs


Thanks for uploading this way. I will use these to help verify mine. I believe they are 100% legitimate but some include versions of cards that were never officially released. It would be interesting to see if there are any test prints of these cards to cross-reference. These are 1st edition cards but with regular full Unlimited shadows. I have never seen it before. Think 1st Edition Machamp we all know, but the entire set.

FYI these are printed from Chris Nitz, the person who verified the Blastoise test prints.