Hey everyone! I’m close to finishing my PSA 9 1st sets of Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation and Neo Destiny. I plan to get them framed, but would also love to have the top part of each box printed and framed with as part of the display piece. Does anyone have access to already opened boxes of these that would be able to scan?
Tried looking all over to find scans, but the best I could find were all low res photos
Sounds like an interesting display. Would love to see it when it’s done.
Post one of those low res pics up here so I know exactly what you want a scan of.
If you don’t have any luck getting scans there’s usually empty boxes for sale on eBay which you could buy.
I have a complete set of empty boxes. I also know someone else on here worked on a project that required them scanning boxes. I think it was whoever was making the spine labels for their binder sets. I think I helped them out maybe a year or so ago with a few box scans they were missing. I’ll see if I can dig that up. If not I can get you box scans at some point over the next couple weeks.