Would you be happy with this pack or concerned?

I posted about this yesterday and got no responses, couldn’t get over my concerns, and opened the pack. For what it’s worth, I’m happy with enough with the pulls, but I have two main concerns and would like to know if you would be satisfied based entirely off these two concerns, and nothing else.

I filmed the entire opening, but edited this video down to 3 minutes just to post here, short and to the point on my two concerns. At this point, I wouldn’t feel right charging back or trying to return it since I’ve opened it and the cards at least appeared to be legitimate, but I’d really love some feedback from more experienced pack rippers who may know if ‘Concern 1’ is entirely normal or entirely unusual, and just how personal collectors would feel about ‘Concern 2,’ even though I personally feel like it’s too late for me to do anything about it anyways.


Thank you for being kind. I am new and never looked at packs so intensely because I’m just now getting back into it and have already seen a ton of videos about tampered packs.

Original post: www.elitefourum.com/t/do-you-think-this-pack-was-resealed/29875/1

There´s a few things you can look for if a pack is tampered with. One is, as you already did, the crimps. That a pack has a small gap when you stretch it is normal, it is very common for early wotc packs (especially base) that the seal does not entirely go to the corner of the pack and leaves a small gap open. So that wouldn´t personally concern me.

What´s far more interesting is the inner crimp itself. If the pack has been tampered with, this is the place where you can most likely find traces unless you opened the non tampered side. Is there any residue or weird layers on the inside? It´s not directly visible in the video.

You didn´t show the specific condition of all cards, normally a few white knicks are quite common, especially on the outer cards. Excessive whitening is definitely not though. From what I could see it looked legit, but take a closer look at the things I just mentioned :wink:

Thanks for the tips. I feel like it was legitimate and I was just overly worried.

I’ve had packs that look like this - seems normal to me.