Would you consider Holo energy cards to be part of a Master Set?

I’ve been making progress completing my 151 master set which comes with Holo energy cards and I’m not sure to include them or not. On one hand they are literally exclusive to 151 and you pull them from packs but they aren’t part of the numbered set.

I guess the same could be said about the promo cards you get with a lot of 151 products but they seem more closely tied to the set itself.

Also if you do consider the holo energy cards to be part of the master set then do you include the other versions? ie the regular energy and the professor program stamped versions. I guess if I include stamped versions of core 151 cards I should include these too.

Anyway just some thoughts as I have an existential crisis about the 2 new professor program voltorbs I now need to get for my master set.

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The beauty of collecting Pokémon cards is that you can set those parameters for yourself and do what makes you happy.

If you’re looking for others opinions, mine would be that a master set would include every single variation of a card released in that set. So yes! I’d include them.


I agree a master set is completely subjective. Have you been trying to complete a 151 set?

I included holo energies from the Japanese McDonald’s packs in my expedition set and it pleases the heck out of me.
I also included holo energies in my shining legends master set and it looks great!

Obviously, as it has been said, collecting is all about how you enjoy your stuff. If you think they’ll fit your binder, go for it! :blush:


For a true master set, there shouldn’t be anything else you can add to make it more “complete”. So yes, you should 100% include the energies


What are energy cards not good enough for you? Energy cards have feelings too.


Your right I should be more considerate :joy:

Make sure you consider both varieties of the 151 holo energies. :laughing:


No matter how much I look at them online I can never tell the difference. Makes buying them very tricky


Off topic, but I’m also considering this for my reverse holo Expedition set, since there are no holos of the basic energies. Haven’t decided yet though, as there’s an obvious cost difference :sweat_smile:



As @joponnes said… Do it.

One energy every month. In 8 months you’ll be done and it will look glorious :face_holding_back_tears:


I always looked at it as a “Complete set” is anything you get from packs that is on the checklist and numbered in the set and “Master set” is just everything the set has with reverse, promos, etc…

If I was going for the “Master set” in 151 then yes I would.

I’m just working on completing it with the promos, except for the Pokemon Center promo cause I don’t want to spend that lol and if there are anymore in that price range.

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It would feel much more complete to have the holos in there for each energy as well.

@joponnes @mthursty The council has spoken.

@PokeDave This thread should help with discerning the two holo patterns on the energies. Hope this helps!


There are also some promos with multiple holo variations:
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Electabuzz, Abra. Similar to the holo energy variations. For whatever reason, they can be found with both pixel galaxy foil as well as HD cosmos foil. That can be seen more in this thread: