WTB 1st edition Zapdos PSA9 / Japanese latios star/DP arena

Hi all,

I’m looking to buy a 1st edition zapdos (ACQUIRED!)from base in PSA 9.

Also looking for a psa 10 unlimited (will also consider 1st ed) Japanese latios and latias goldstar. Offering 1.5K USD shipped for the pair.

Also looking for a Championship Arena 2006 promo in psa 10 (palkia/dialga). Not sure what would be a fair offer here?

Thanks! :blush:

Not sure if this is against e4 rules to link auction vs BIN/sell privately, but I have a PSA 9 1st Ed. Base Zapdos on auction via PWCC currently ending tonight.


I’m guessing your offer on Latias / Latios is Way off.

Haven’t checked prices, but I think in April I sold a PSA 9 Latias unlimited for $500 the same day I listed it.

Thanks Qwachansey for sharing the link ^^

I was already eyeing this one for a while, didn’t know it was yours.

I’m still debating whether I should bid, but the issue is that I’m from the EU. So every time I buy at PWCC they slap the **** out of me with the exuberant import fees (With fees and tax usually another 20-25% on top of the card). But I’ll definitely keep this in mind ^^

Do you think my offer is too low?

I checked out the prices as well, and a PSA 10 was sold roughly one month ago for 750 USD:


Another one end of October went for a similar amount:


I can’t find much on the Latias, and I recognise it can go for a little more, but I thought the price was fair.

Still, thanks for the headsup! I will think about it and consider increasing prices

No worries if you’d prefer to buy local :blush:

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Wow, didn’t realize the Latios sold for cheaper, always thought it was the more expensive one. Also I guess if it’s unlimited that helps a lot as well. That would be great if you at least get Latios at 750

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Sounds like you can safely bid $2k then.

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