WTB acrylic case for old WOTC box

I just bought a 1st ed jungle booster box and am looking for an acrylic magnetic case as all the ones on eBay are sold out.

Will pay $60 for one in great shape. Thanks!

Hey, congrats on an awesome purchase :blush:

You can get a nice case from gradedpower for $30: www.gradedpower.com/catalog/pokemon_supplies-pokemon_acrylic_cases/pokemon_acrylic_booster_box_display_60012/291178

Or 5 for $125: www.gradedpower.com/catalog/pokemon_supplies-pokemon_acrylic_cases/pokemon_5x_acrylic_booster_box_display_60012/291179

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Thank you so much for the referral! Quick question are these the same that are on eBay? I bought 3 off a guy named silvergt on eBay and they are awesome!

Where are you located? I highly recommend silver.gt on Instagram, I’m sure he ships worldwide but is located in USA

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I don’t know which eBay ones you’re referring to, but these are pretty good. The only small complaint I have is the magnets were slightly misaligned, but it still works and doesn’t open by itself. Price is definitely very agreeable!

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If you are in Europe prdisplays does some great acrylic cases for old and new boxes alike among cases for almost anything else you could wish for.


Thanks guys! I’m in U.S and bought 3 from silvergt last month but his Ebay said he’s out of them now. That’s why I’m asking cause I really like them.

I talked to a guy off graded gem and he said they are not like the ones silvergt has. He said they are a bit bigger.

So if anyone has an extra one laying around I’ll buy it