WTB Any/All Non-English Snorlaxes

Title says it all,Ive nearly completed the English Snorlaxes (last RHs in the mail) so Im looking to buy any non-english snorlax or cards with snorlax on them (eg. Sleep, Challenge!) the only cards I have for trade right now are some Bilingual Executors, but Im more than willing to spend some money on them. LMK.

I’ll have a look may have some

I have the normal and Reverse Holo Polish Snorlax - Diamond & Pearl for trade.

maybe you’d want to buy of this guy, www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Snorlax-Holo-Rare-CD-Promo-Graded-NM-MT-8-Japanese-Pokemon-Card-/261394969709?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cdc5ab46d