WTB Aquapolis/Neo/Expedition

Located in MN.


Tyranitar Aquapolis PSA 10 :$700

Umbreon Aquapolis PSA 10 :$700.

Tyranitar Expedition PSA 10 :$600

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Destiny Dark Tyranitar Holo :$700

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Discovery Tyranitar Holo. Offering $750.

Thank you. Anthony.

This may be interesting for you?


Thank you. I did see that listing, but after taxes and import charges (I’m in MN) the pair comes out to almost $1500. Also I don’t really want to do international shipping at this time due to the pandemic.

If you want a US based 1st Dark Tyranitar, you might need to double your offer. eBay has them around $1000

Possibly, yes. I guess we’ll see! Based on the sales history for these cards, this is where I am currently at with my offer (slightly negotiable of course). Thank you.

I have a raw 1st neo discovery tyranitar that has a shot if your willing to wait for psa to grade

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Bump. Updated prices.




Just to let you know, kylewe is a great seller. Bought some cards from him last year and everything went great!