WTB Base Set Booster Box (English Unlimited or 1st Edition)

Hello Efour!

I am looking to buy Base Set Booster boxes, both unlimited and 1st edition.

Unlimited Booster Box - looking to spend around $2,400
1st Edition Booster Box - Looking to spend around $15,000

Please don’t comment about my prices, I understand they are below current market value :blush:


PS - also looking for Ultra Shiny GX boxes if anybody has those, looking to spend around $70 a box

*edit* It’s crazy how the community gets so triggered over a dollar amount. If my offer is too low, I won’t be sold a box. I know the price of 1st edition boxes, and I said what I’m looking to pay. Commenting about how the price is a “lowball” and that you’d “pay $30k in a second if you could” doesn’t make you an elite, top-tier collector. Thanks for the input tho! :blush: *edit*


I know someone who will sell you a mint base for $2550.

Not going to even comment on your 1st ed price.

Well, he didn’t say they had to be sealed or even contain packs/cards…


One sold on Ebay for $20,000 recently, if someone needs money they need money :grin:

PM’d you :blush:!

That one was an obvious scam seller. The last 2 legit ones have all been $40k+

“obvious scam seller” Alright man, you’re right. If you wanna pay $40k go ahead, i’ll stick to my asking price and wait :grin:

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You’re new to efour. See that you just joined on Dec 30th. All of us collectors on here know what a 1st edition box is worth. We ALL will comment on your ridiculous low offer!


Below market value is a huge understatement, your price is 1/3 of market value. You can flip for $20k in a day. You’re going to get negative responses unless you adjust.

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I had an investor offer $45k cash for a box I verified was authentic. Seller turned him down.


It’s kind of weird that you offer top dollar for everything else…

You’re not getting a box under $35-40k and even that would be a lowball offer.

I don’t even have the money and I’d pay $30k easy right now… I could flip that thing in 30 minutes.



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I don’t have $30k cash, but If I could find a box for $30k I would get a same day loan and get a buyer lined up to buy it for $40-45k the day the original package lands on my doorstep. No way someone hurting for money would settle for anywhere near $15k, as it sounds like they could flip it all day for $40-45k.



Why is OPs name ‘thebasesetbeast’ :joy: yet offers 15k :thinking:

I’m going to sit in on this one.


Well it’s an insult to those that are serious collectors to offer such a ridiculous price on a booster box of Base 1st edition cards. Your reputation is based on making reasonable offers on top tier products. We all support this hobby and know who reputable sellers are.

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I’ve got an ocean front property in Arizona I’d let go for $15k.