WTB Cosmos Dragonite

Might be a longshot, But I am looking for a Cosmos Holo, Fossil ULTD Dragonite.

Condition can vary widely.

I’m unsure of the Market price, but maybe $500-$1000


@aquaz may be able to help?

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There’s someone on the facebook misprints page who has one. If you’re not on that page I can ask them about it for you? Appears to be in LP condition with some holo scratches

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I Offered on this one, Just waiting to see if he takes it, Going to up my offer here after doing a little research.

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Can someone explain what this is?

They are Fossil Unlimited Holos with the Base Set 2 or “Cosmos” Holofoil pattern.

Released towards the very end, Maybe in the long crimp packs?


A majority, if not all, Fossil cosmos holos have been traced back to Washington where WOTC’s headquarters are. They are thought to be a test print since they have been confirmed to be obtained/sold by from ex-WOTC employees.