WTB EX Boosters and products

As title, looking for packs (weighed is fine), sealed theme decks etc.

Hopefully will end up with at least one of everything. Shipping would be to the UK. Have various possible trades.

Order of wants with prices (EX TmVTa/Ex dragon Frontiers/Ex fire red)

  1. Boosters @ $22/$27/$22

  2. Theme decks @ $25/$20.

3). Other sealed or promotional stuff @ depends on item.

Have lots of different singles ranging from ex Ruby and Sapphire onwards. Lots of playable cards. Couple of PSA 8s-10s(nothing high end). Also EX/platinum/hgss era boosters that can be exchanged.

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Mega bump, updated title and wants. Apologies if thread is too old.

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@way2slowbro relevant username. :wink:


Another bump with prices in a attempt to increase chance of finding some of these items. Even if you just have some unusual products with these boosters would love to see them.

I’ve got some Delta Species Reverse Holos: Latios, Gardevoir, Starmie, Crobat, and Beedril. Pretty sure they’re NM/M, I can check when I get home if you’re interested.

Not used actually after the reverse holographic’s at the this time, but would in fact be interested in the latios if it is mint. Pm me if it is.



I have a full set of EX dragon frontiers holos, all mint condition (likely PSA 9 condition or better). PM me if interested!

Thread returns from the dead