Card Condition: PSA10 Gem Mint
Ex Ruby Sapphire096 Chansey EX Holo $60099 Lapras EX Holo $90Magmar Ex Holo $60
Sneasel Ex $80
Ex Sandstorm
Typhlosion Ex $70
Gardevoir Ex $120
Raichu Ex $70
Ex Dragon
Latios Ex $70
Latias Ex $70
Dragonite Ex $115
Ampharos Ex $70
Ex Hidden Legends
Regice Ex $65
Registeel Ex $55
Regirock Ex $60
Kyogre Ex $70
Groudon Ex $55
Ex Emerald
Altaria Ex $70
Medicham Ex $90
Registeel $70
Regice $75
Regirock $75
Raichu $85
If you have any Ex not listed here, graded 10; feel free to comment, i might not have it yet and didnt list it so far! Thanks in advance, Octavio.