WTB *Heavy* 1st edition Base Set Booster Pack

Offering $10k+ (depending on pack art, weight, extra info on the booster box it came from, condition, etc).

I will not buy from just anyone. It needs to be from someone I can trust.

I know that packs are only guaranteed (or almost guaranteed) a holo if you also know the weights of the other packs in the box. This is one of the major reasons that trust in the seller is a requirement for me. I would still consider buying a booster pack if the other pack weights from its box are unknown, but only if it’s in the range of *very* heavy.


dont do this to me…i want to open my last one
plus we all know venusaur arts have the charizards in them, so we should balance out these prices :wink:


I have the opportunity to buy 3, but I share the same concerns

21.06, 21.15, 21.14

No information on the other packs. I decided not to pursue, but if you’re comfortable - pm, I’ll give you the persons information.


Not to derail, but havent Chorizords been pulled from all three of the packs?

I always thought that you could pull one from any. Just more likely from a Charizard pack.

Bump, if you buy/ open it can you video it and link it? I love watching those openings :sunglasses:

I wonder if anyone tries bumping up their weights storing them in a damp environment or something else crazy. It’s been a long time but those seem like super light weights to be heavies but fairly heavy to be light. I wouldn’t be surprised if weight boosting became or was already a thing.


I mean, we saw a Charizard come out of a 20.94/20.95…

Can I understand why would you think cover matters this much for heavy packs…

I understand light packs, but feel that the price difference between a charizard and blastoise light pack should be similar in absolute terms for a heavy pack, and not scale proportionately

1x venusaur light pack + 1x venusaur heavy pack feels like a much better deal than 1x charizard heavy pack…

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After selling hundreds and hundreds of base packs…from a reselling perspective, believe me it matters. I have to limit charizard arts to people wanting to buy 2 or more packs whenever I open a base set box. If I didn’t, all 12 zards would be gone first.

Might not seem like it would matter, but it does. No matter if light, heavy, or Unweighed.


i get that charizard is worth more, but i didnt expect it would be a multiplier, thought it would be more additive in nature

e.g. light venusaur 2.5k, light charizard 3k (+500), heavy venusaur 10k, heavy charizard 10.5k (+500)

It´s the same with blisters, Charizards sell for 1-2k more than the others. It´s just the usual Charizard tax :wink:


It is really going to depend on what the weights were of the other packs that came in the box. I had a couple light packs that weighed 20.5 where the heavy was probably 20.9-21.0. That is why the holy grail is the box I guess.

Hi are you on Virbank? I saw a girl open her blister yesterday and weigh the charizard pack. It came back “heavy” 21.15 and last I saw she hadn’t opened it or sold it yet.

I ended up buying a Charizard pack with a weight of 21.26 (supposedly gets up to 21.30 depending on the day) and I trust the seller that it’s a legitimate heavy pack.

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