WTB Holo Bleed charizard NM

Hey guys im looking for some XY holo bleed charizards Or even other cards

Im pretty sure we know what they are if anyone has some for sale hit me up post here or message me

yeah i dont really know a price lets go for something under $100 i just bought one for $45 so ?


Hey Beauski, welcome to the forums :blush:

Kindly note to edit your post to include a price that you are looking for, for the cards you’re mentioning (I tried doing some searched for you but it was hard to estimate)

Rule: www.elitefourum.com/t/new-rule-all-buy-threads-require-a-price/18473/1


Is it this one?

I saw that card too Gary, but it no bleeding seems to be present in the card, from what I can see.

What would you pay for the other holos, aside from Charizard?

honestly im not sure hey

and they ebay charizard i cant really see if it bleed