WTB Mario and Luigi Pikachu boxes

Looking for mario and luigi pikachu boxes, if anyone has them let me know, my budget is around 350-400$

Just sold some one eBay for $390 good price good luck! Wish you would’ve been around a week ago!

i wish i got into the hobby like 3 years ago :slightly_frowning_face:((

something many returning/new collectors can relate to :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember buying a Luigi and mario box for like £30 in total like 2-3 years ago. Surprising how much they are worth now. I would of bought more if I knew.

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Check your PM :blush:

Are they worth that much right now? Dang… Next time cosplay Pikachus are released I buy two or three boxes instead of one. When they were released a few years ago I pre-ordered them for around 25-30 USD…

Good luck in your search!


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