WTB Masaki Promos Graded

I’m looking to buy Masaki Promos, still wanting to complete a set, but not sure yet whether I’m going for 9’s or 10’s, or maybe just both, so I’ll just list both prices here. Negotiation is always possible if you think my offer is too low and your asking price is not too far away.**Masaki Alakazam:**PSA 9 - $90PSA 10 - $250

**Masaki Machamp:**PSA 9 - $65PSA 10 - $250
**Masaki Golem:**PSA 9 - $70
PSA 10 - $250
**Masaki Gengar:**PSA 9 - $90
PSA 10 - $300
**Masaki Omastar:**PSA 9 - $50
PSA 10 - $180
My apologies if the prices are off, but I only have a few eBay listings to go by and I don’t know if they are that accurate.

I’d add $100 to all your PSA 10 prices if you want any chance of anyone selling a copy to you.

A few auctions may have gone low, but overall each card normally, and easily gets $300-$400.

I understand that the 9 prices you list are loosely based on real sales but in some of those auctions the cards were basically being given away.

If you’re extremely patient, you can probably find those prices again on Ebay eventually. But I think any Masaki 9 under $100 is potential money lost for the seller. You just can’t source raw, mint copies without corner dents that cheap.

But yeah, I don’t fault you for your offers because the sold listings are there. But if I could find them at those prices, I would buy 3 sets. I think you’ll get more criticism than offers at those prices. If someone is looking to sell a Gengar, I’d pay $120 shipped to Canada right now, and I think even that is a low price.


I’d buy multiple sets at those prices as well.

Hmm okay, looks like I messed up the prices then, I was also half thinking that maybe some people would be eager to sell, but as I see it it’s a sellers market right now?

Looking at Ebay there’s different price classes though: Alakazam/Gengar > Machamp/Golem > Omastar, is that correct or just a coincidence?

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Here’s a Machamp up for auction (link). The seller also has PSA 9 Gengar that’s at $95 right now. I’d watch these and see if you can get a price you’re willing to pay.

I think that is accurate with respect to “price classes” for 9s, at least.

I don’t know how you concluded it’s a sellers market or what that even means in this context. These cards are not too abundant and are not listed often, so there’s little to no defined trend.

Also if you’re looking for people eager to sell, e4 is probably not the place to look.