WTB Neo Genesis Typhlosion #17 psa 9 1st ed

Couldn’t really find one anywhere so i’ll appreciate if you have one and is willing to sell :blush:
Looking to pay 750+
Thank you :grin:

Hello there, I do have one and could send pictures. What price would you be offering, sir?

Thank you!

i just updated the comment :blush:

I’m sorry, I think it’s worth closer to $1000+

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i don’t think it is 1000+ haha but it’s okay if u do not want to sell :blush:


There’s one available on ebay now for 1500. It’s a bit above the range you want to spend but that’s the only one I could find

The last auction was right at $700:


This card is very condition critical since the 10 is so out of reach. Also there is one with a red print dot, while niche, its known enough that people request it.

I have a strong 9 listed, currently the only copy available, and I’m not considering anything under 1k:



Yeah this card is probably in the 800-1000 range.

I did an analysis of all WOTC 1st edition holo cards (excluding base set) and this card is obviously hard for the 10 but it is also the lowest % of PSA 9+10 for all the cards at an incredibly low 30.36% (Of all the Typhlo 17 in the pop, only 30.36% graded a 9 or 10). So, not only is the 10 insanely hard to grade, the 9 ain’t a cake walk either.

Also to note, there are likely multiple 9s counted twice as people resubmit them hoping for 10s. All this together easily makes this card that high in price, maybe should be higher?

Sorry to burst the 500 bubble but I think that ship has unfortunately sailed unless you get super lucky.


I have a potential 9 at PSA right now, but who knows when it will return with PSA’s current state, and if it will even get a 9. If it gets a 9 and you’re still looking for it, Ill be sure to let you know. I was planning on holding onto it, but Id be happy to help you out if it comes back a 9! :slight_smile:

Crazy how quick the price on this thing is rising. When I was sending it off, the value of a 9 was around your asking price, but it seems it has risen quite a lot lol. Who knows where it’ll be when it returns


Lol, I found one on reddit for $400 recently.

Insane how the prices are right now, literally half a year ago you could’ve gotten these for less than $200 all day.


The PSA 8s are now around $300 and climbing I believe.

@lolzicost, I’ll give you $450 for it :wink: quick 50 flip

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alright thanks for this ill increase it to 800+ :blush:

Best of luck friend!!

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and yeah i saw this one too lmao but he said the buyer flaked. he also said he was gonna resubmit it but if he changed his mind i was to get it :man_shrugging:

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i’ll appreciate that a lot! thanks

Can’t believe they flaked on that lol, I was ready to pay too. He has probably realized he was underselling it by now anyway.

I actually almost picked one up for $510 last month, we agreed on a price and it was a local pickup. Then the seller saw @smpratte listing for $2000 on eBay and reconsidered his pricing…


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I have a psa 8.5 I’d consider selling if interested