I haven’t purchased cards in 20 years, but I decided to finally finish sets I left incomplete.
I always collected sets with 1 rare, 2 uncommon and 4 common copies (a way to not have as many excess cards from opening packs). I don’t have any slabbed cards and don’t want to start now. Everything I already have came from me opening booster boxes decades ago so I want cards that are similar in condition.
Below is a list of the cards I still need, so if you have a bunch of extras from opening boxes I’m your guy. I have no idea on price but since few rares are involved I would guess ~ $200 for the convenience. If this price is too low please let me know. If anyone knows reputable places to buy a bunch of these cards as a lot please let me know. I have dealt with many of the bigger on-line companies and they don’t sell above NrMt (and I am not impressed by what they call NrMt). I’m not looking to buy cards 1 at a time, but am certainly willing to grab any lot of a dozen or more cards on the list at an appropriate price.
Gym Heroes Set: .
Need Non-Holo Rares: Brock, Lt. Surge’s Secret Plan, Misty’s Wish, The Rocket’s Training Gym…
Need Uncommon: Brock’s Sandslash, Brock’s Training Method, Curulean Gym, Erica’s Bunbasaur, Erica’s Exegguto, Erika’s Perfume, Lt. Surge’s Raticate (2), Misty’s Wrath (2)…
Need Commons: Brocks Geodude (looking right), Brock’s Zubat (2), Energy Flow, Erika’s Jigglypuff, Lt. Surge’s Rattata (2), Lt. Surge’s Spearow, Misty’s Tears.
.Gym Challenge Set:
.Need Holos: Blaine’s Arcanine…Need Non-Holo Rares: Koga’s Arbok, Sabrina’s Venomoth, Viridian City Gym…
Need Uncommon: _______?’s Chancy, Blaine’s Magmar, Blaine’s Rapidash, Rocket’s Minefield Gym (2), Rocket’s Secret Experiment (2), Sabrina’s ESP, Sabrina’s Kadabra, Saffron City Gym…Need Common: Blaine’s Doduo, Giovanni’s Nidoran – purple version (2), Sabrina’s Abra (3), Sabrina’s Gaze (4), Sabrina’s Porygon, Sabrina’s Psyduck (3), Transparent Walls, Trash Exchange, Warp Point (2).
.Neo Genesis Set:
Need Holos: Ampharos, Slowking…Need Non Holo Rares: Cleffa, Focus Band…Need Uncommon: Aipom, Card Flip Game (2), Clefairy, Croconow - looking right, Ledian, Professor Elm, Togepi (2)…Need Common: Berry (2), Cyndaquil, Girafarig (3), Onix (2), Sudowoodo.