WTB PSA 10 Legendary Collection reverse holos



Message me offers! Thanks!! Any leads are appreciated

PSA 10 Legendary Collection reverse:

2/110 Articuno 1900
5/110 Dark Dragonite 3300
12/110 Gyarados 2300
17/110 Ninetales 1600
36/110 Arcanine 1300
46/110 Haunter 850
61/110 Raticate 700
64/110 Snorlax 3100
65/110 Tauros 850
67/110 Abra 850
69/110 Caterpie 650
72/110 Dratini 800
74/110 Eevee 2300
85/110 Pidgey 800
89/110 Rattata 700
103/110 Pokemon Trader 800

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updated wants


sealed unlimited English Neo Revelation box available

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added some stuff for trade

Wish I had some of that stuff to trade! Very good trade offers though I’m surprised nobody has jumped yet

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Thank you! I think it’s cuz my wants and haves are pretty far apart as far as taste maybe. So it’s hard to find people who have one and want the other haha

Yup trades are tough. The most successful ones I’ve made are with people I’ve gotten to know very well and who have very very similar collection taste as me. At that point it’s just hanging out with a friend more than a formal trade.

I wish it was easier because there is no reason high end stuff should be hard to trade

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Oof, I was debating on selling/trading my Pikachu Reverse Legendary 10 because the pop is low and it is my baby. We can maybe discuss it if you are interested.

Ooo I may have one coming through soon so may not need it. But I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for the interest and response!!

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bump thank you @teamrocketop for the trade!!


you’re welcome, thank you for making the Pokemon E4 community great!



added some PSA 10 1st edition WOTC for trade


Bump added specific LC cards I still need

made some progress! bump!!


Man, I had a hitmonchan that could’ve been a 10, but I gave up and sold it to troll and toad. whelp, gg