WTB PSA 9 1st edition English base set cards

As the title says. I currently need the following:

1 - Alakazam - £290
3 - Chansey - £300
4 - Charizard - £3000
6 - Gyarados - £300
7 - Hitmonchan - £290
9 - Magneton - £260
10 - Mewtwo - £430
11 - Nidoking - £270
12 - Ninetales - £270
14 - Raichu - £280
15 - Venusaur - £600
16 - Zapdos - £270
17 - Beedrill - £50
23 - Arcanine - £50
58 - Red cheeks Pikachu - £100
59 - Poliwag - £28
65 - Staryu - £25
69 - Weedle - £25
76 - Pokémon Breeder - £40
79 - Super Energy Removal - £65
87 - Pokédex - £30
89 - Revive - £30
91 - Bill - £28

I’m located in the UK.

Many thanks,


Buying threads require prices bro

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I have a psa 8 1st ediiton charizard but i wouldnt let it go for cheap im in the uk aswell

As already mentioned all buy threads require prices or they will be removed.

Thanks for the heads up folks. Bit of an eager n00b here. I will update when I finish work later!

All the best,




If I’m correct you are offering 3,000 pounds for a psa 9 charizard which is about $3,750 USD. The going rate right now is $5,000 USD so your offer is considerably low. 25% below market price will not get you this card on this forum or on anywhere else.


agree. The fact that you’re UK based also attracts a premium due to import costs - I overpay for nearly every card I buy due to this reason. Recently bought a PSA 7 1st edition Charizard and paid £1900 for it.

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I also know of a psa 8 zard sell for your asking price in the uk

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Damn. :joy:

UK premiums gotta love emm, bad to buy great to sell

Good evening,

I’m well aware of the premium that some cards cost due to import fees/duties. I didn’t mean to cause any offence by listing it as £3000, nor did I just pick a random number out of a hat.

As an example, a UK based BGS 9 1st edition 'zard sold for £2550 on the 13th of June this year. I upped it to £3000 as I know that the card usually commands more than the £2550 it previously sold for.

Of course, as per forum rules, the price is not binding and I am more than happy to negotiate!

Hope you’re all well :blush:


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@danbass, Check your messages, I have a few of the cards you need.

Knowing my luck, the pound will strengthen and my card will be worth even less.

Interesting point though - the FOREX impact on Pokemon for us UK buyers. :+1:t3: Separate thread I think :joy: sorry for littering your buy thread


That bgs 9 would never be a PSA 9 bro. Whitening along the top


BGS 9 is not equivalent to psa 9 in neither condition nor market value, so using that price point is wrong in my opinion. There should be many psa 9 sold prices to use as an accurate guide.

Either way, good luck buying.

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my bgs 9 (quad+) 1st ed charizard sold for over 5k USD in may. There is no way a PSA 9 would be let go of for less than 4k USD. but your other prices are pretty spot on! good luck!

Message sent, I have a lot of the non holos. UK based

A little late, but I too have some of these if you still need them. Shot you a message :wink: