WTB - PSA 9 Base Set Unlimited Charizard

Hey all

Looking to purchase:

  • English PSA 9 Base Set Unlimited Charizard ( prefer new PSA 9 case to keep the collection uniform )

Looking to pay $125USD. I have both American and Canadian shipping addresses we can use.

Thanks for the look!

It’ll be tough at that price dude. I’ve sold 20 in the last 3 days from 160.00-200.00


Thanks for the info

Were these private sales off ebay? I still see a few selling in the range I am looking to pay, as well as some over of course

Need to also consider the $3.93 you will be saving on paypal fees ( just sold something for $125 on ebay =P ), + $12.00ish savings on your ebay fees. You’d have to sell your Charizard for approx $145 to make $125 from ebay.

Might just have to get lucky with someone putting a lower BIN / accepting my offer / waiting for the auctions to hit as they seem to go a bit lower.

Im not up to $160 yet on my offer but if I do decide to take a stab at that price point ill shoot you a message

Thanks again

16 were off auction for 168.00 each. One today on eBay 180.00. These just keep going higher…

I’ve seen a few for sale for $110-125 on instagram in the last few months but they rarely pop up. You might just have to fork out $150

Gary do you have some sort of endless supply of these in 9s?! Or your own printing press :grin:

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He probably has 2000 of the 2700 out of there. haha

$150 seems like a good price tbh. There’s a BGS 8.5 on ebay for $110 or so but you’re not guaranteed it will be a PSA 9 and at that point you will have spent close to $150 with shipping, grading cost, etc…