Looking for PSA 9 Base Set Non-Holos w/ new label.
I’m only buying 1 of each to complete a collection. Also, I’m not interested in PSA 10 or shadowless/1999-2000 base set edition. I prefer to buy more than one to reduce shipping costs. I can pay shipping as long as it’s not out of the ordinary. I’m in contiguous US.
Available for Trade
PSA 9 Nidoking for 4 cards of the above
PSA 9 (old labels) Energy Retrieval/Caterpie/Full Heal/Defender for any of the above 1 for 1PSA 9 1999-2000 Kadabra for any of the Uncommon 1 for 1
Hey thanks for the offer but I have a potential lot with Electabuzz later this week for the same price. Buying in lots saves on shipping, however, if it falls through I’ll send you a message.
The black lettering was for cards that I added later on that I decided to buy with the new label. I have them with the old label so originally wasn’t seeking them out. I wasn’t able to change the color on the phone, but the post is updated now to be accurate.