WTB: Sealed English Southern Islands binder

Looking for a sealed English Southern Islands binder.

Currently paying $250 and have Paypal ready. I am located in Michigan, USA.

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There’s someone on ebay who has 3 available listed at $300 free shipping. Those have been listed FOREVER. I’ve talked to them before (like 6 months ago) and they weren’t willing to budge on price. That’s my favorite set and I’ve been after a sealed one myself for the last year or so but they rarely pop up for sale. I messaged them again to see what they would take and I’ll let you know what they say.

Their feedback is pretty rough, seems like quite a few people have had issues in the past with them so I’m definitely not trying to risk full price on those. They have it listed as OBO so you could try and offer them $250? My conversations with them in the past indicated that they were not willing to go lower though so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

lol wowlootsellers won’t budge $1 on a price. I ended up buying like 20 of two of his items and he didn’t ship. A week later I ask what’s going on, he responded with "We are closed all week will see what is going on Monday. We are in the middle of inventory
". Cancels my order 3 days later randomly, I ask why, he replies with “haha” and blocks me. Relists the items for 2x as much. What a guy/company!


@joetehman that’s insane. Top quality business tactics right there. I won’t even consider them with that info then. Thanks for the heads up!

Our dear leader @smpratte had a fun time with wowlootsellers www.elitefourum.com/t/wowlootsellers-asshole/14101/1

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Wow what a joke, how do they stay in business

Having large amounts of highly obscure and highly desirable product.

I forget who it was but someone on here said they’d buy a card from the devil if it was the only one available of a hard to find card and at a reasonable price.

I’ve bought from this guy a few times and one could say he is a bit devil like.



Yeah wowlootsellers 100% reinforces the negative stereotype that Pokemon collectors are autistic basement dwellers who can’t interact with adults. The guy is an absolute lunatic. Hopefully he has a legitimate disorder in hopes that “normal” people aren’t that terrible.


Couldn’t have said it better. On another note, I wouldn’t be surprised if people would belt this guy up.

I knew something was up. Just yesterday I put in a reasonable Best Offer for one of his items. Did not sell. Then an even more reasonable Best Offer. Nope.

I came back and saw a lot of posts and thought there would be several offers :rofl:

Looked up that wowlootsellers listing, man for $300 it’s not even a sealed binder :nerd_face: If you just want the 18 cards in NM condition in sleeves, you can get that around $100 all day long.

It is sealed. He said he had several and opened one to take pictures for contents. Pretty stupid but whatever I guess lol

I actually had a win against wowlootsellers a while ago, offered about 60% of his asking price on $1500 worth of items which he accepted, and sold them for double the price a month later haha