Does anybody have a No.1, 2 or 3 trainer trophy from TMB that he might want to sell? Please PM me if so…
Thanks and cheers
Does anybody have a No.1, 2 or 3 trainer trophy from TMB that he might want to sell? Please PM me if so…
Thanks and cheers
Frostydid u buy it?!?!?
FrostyFlux: sorry I didnt get it
So who has one and wants to sell?
No one on this forum has one unless they just bought the one on ebay.
oh okay… I saw the one on ebay… the seller ended so it might have been sold privately…
That’s a bit strange… there are several SSB Trophy cards on this Forum but no TMB? why that?..
No idea. they made 7 of each. My guess is that since the TMB was for younger kids they were more likely to hold on to them where as the secret super battle was for high schoolers on up who are more likely to sell.
I’ll shit my pants if someone has a #3 TMB!! Secrets out, I bought the #1 TMB from collectors cache.
If you check my photobucket I am one trophy fewer aswell so that’s one more I need to get . Never fear there are plenty still out there and there’s plenty I still need!
Hahaha I wonder who that one went too! thanks again, helping on this No.1 TMB was the least I could do to repay you.
No, thank you! I appreciate you buying back from me in order to help me get this new acquisition, and of course thank you for middling the deal.
No problem! I’m glad everything went too plan! I hope it comes in today as I cant wait to see it!
There were less tmb cards given out. The ssb cards were awarded every year the tournament was held.
How many TMB cards and how many SSB cards does that make then? I always thought it was 7 of all of the six cards
Scott, that is not possible. the TMB and SSB tournaments were held at/on the same dates and locations. It is the same tournament (part of the summer 99 series) but they gave each age group a different same. TMB was elementary through middle and SSB was high school on up. The TMB held its finals in Hawaii and the SSB held them in Tokyo. These cards were given out at the seven locations leading up to the finals. Thus seven of each. Check out the dates in official guide book 2000 if you don’t leave me
The SSB was held again in 2001 but the mewtwo card was not awarded. it was the personalized trainer cards. Mewtwo was only in 1999.
haha thanks Mike, I posted that right after waking up, definitely an incorrect zombie post! But I never know exactly how many of the TMB were distributed. I thought it was always the same as the SSB but I remember Brianjapan telling me the SSB were awarded more. Also, not as relevant, but I have seen double the amount of SSB cards for sale than tmb. In saying double I have seen only 6 ssb!
Wasn’t the TMB card only awarded in 1999?
I translated the text in the 2000 book but I can’t remember if it said it in there. Do you have that source that you can post? I checked out bulbapedia and theirs is all mushed together with the other tournaments.
Hahaha I know how you feel
Yes the TMB trophy was only awarded in 1999. I could have sworn to have an article or post about it but it got lost over the years. Someone brought that point up on the gym before.
You have seen six of each SSB? or just six in total. I have seen slightly more ssb cards than TMB…but not a huge difference. My theory is that the younger kids held on to theirs and the older kids who were awarded the SSB cards sold them for the cash.
Yes, there were 3 on YJ! 2 recently on YJ! Mine, silvestro’s and Wil’s/Jason’s. Now that you mention it I have seen 4 of the tmb. Jason’s, silvestro’s, the one on YJ! with the snap charmander and the most recent one. However, one of those could also be the silvestro’s since it went to someone in japan they were indebted to.
But I recently re-read Jason Klacynski’s article. He didn’t receive a card that year.
Thanks guys great information!
Which TMB’s have been sold this year on YJ?
A whole set has sold this year on YJ.
Hmm I have seen SSB no.1 wise: Scotts, ebirdmans (formerly the silvestros), the recent one on noppin, frostys (collectors caches/wills). What are the other two I am missing?