WTB>Trophy Pikachu's, Kangaskhan Promo, 1st Charizard

Well that’s a heck of a first post on a forum, good luck!


You just missed the 97 Silver Pikachu by a fortnight. I believe it will be relisted again and it’s right at your offer. Good luck!

If you have any extra money to spare, please let me know. Thanks.


This is how you conquer the entire hobby in one day.


Title made me expect a bunch of offers on ~$5-$10k cards but damn. I was thinking lower condition zards and khans and the newer post 2014 trophy pika’s.

Aaaaaand that’s my time to leave :joy: damn good luck :facepunch::facepunch:

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*finally reaches my goal of completing 1st edition base in PSA 7*

*sees this post*

“Aight, imma head out.”


Holy smokes

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It’s all relative! Still a great achievement to have a complete 1st edition base set, I’m one away from my complete set it’s taken me over 3 years so far.


I hate to do this, but I feel it needs to be mentioned. Only the kangaskhan and charizard have a chance of being bought. The ‘97 are pretty much just a hope you can find them. The ‘98 I’ve received higher offers for my no.3 so your offer is maybe on par if someone has a damaged one, but that’s unlikely.

Even the kangaskhan I feel is a little hard to get someone to sell for that price just because it’s at the bottom of the market, but you might find someone willing to unload theirs that doesn’t have much selling experience.

The charizard is the best chance, but I don’t see people lining up to sell their copies either.


@cullers what honestly is the need for that comment?
I mean no offense with what I will say and I don’t think you’ll take any anyways.

These cards are rare and it sounds like you have a few of them. OP is stating what seems to me to be the highest public offers for these cards in history (or at least within 10% for the base 1st zard). Have some transacted privately for more? Maybe. Have some offers been made for more in private? Maybe. I honestly don’t know the answers to those questions and OP may not either. I own none of these cards. I don’t know OP but I’d imagine they don’t either. How are any of us non owners supposed to know that private information? As an owner yourself all you need to do is look at the offers and make the decision on whether you would sell your copy for that price or not. If not, then move along. If you are a buyer of any of these cards and would pay more then state as such and create your own buy thread. But to come in here and exclaim that this public buy thread holding the highest public offers on these cards that have been seen is doomed to be unsuccessful is just unnecessary.

You did at least publicize some of the private offers you’ve received so that is appreciative and constructive.

At the end of the day the best defense against buy threads that hurt one’s feelings or ego or are lowballs is to go out there and make a higher buy thread.


I saw it myself a couple weeks before worlds putting out a buy list that was honestly ignorant of a few prices like masters key, wonder platinum etc. but I made solid offers on other cards like the full art pika trophies, mysterious pearls, grand party, masters’s scroll, fan club eevee, porygon etc.

I purchased several cards from that list that folks were mocking over on discord. There were comments made just like yours above that I would not buy a single card from that buylist and I went on to add several cards to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. The comments were made by people who likely wouldn’t have paid the prices I was offering on almost any of the cards as well and talking down on my offers which again were the highest public ones at the time, higher than previous public sales etc.


@gottaketchumall, I read it as @cullers is someone who has the cards/current offers and is just providing the current information. Either way it doesn’t matter as most of these cards aren’t available at any offer.


Sorry again about that LOL


My main point is what more can a guy do than to make a public offer higher than any previous public sales? I have no idea how I’d go about buying those cards in the OP but I’d honestly start somewhere close to where they did. An offer on the leading collecting forum where you’ll reach at least a few owners of the cards.

I appreciated @cullers addition of previously private info and mentioned as much, but to say “Only the kangaskhan and charizard have a chance of being bought.” is where I take issue because he has no idea if any owners are out there looking to sell and has no basis for making the statement. Sure it may be highly unlikely, but what more can be done than to make record setting offers. I could post on literally every buy thread saying if you offer more money you’ll be more likely to be successful it just feels unnecessary. I purchased some full art pikachus with offers that were mocked by some owning those cards who weren’t paying any more than me, and led to successful deals. You won’t know until you try. I know the full art pikachu cards I had success with are at least an order of magnitude higher print run and lower price, but still my point stands.


If someone wants to buy these cards info on how to get them is the best I can do. I know nobody here is selling the '97s, so those are out. I know a few people with the '98s I doubt they’re going to sell them for 30k though. If the OP is serious, which they seem to be, those prices need to go up. I’ve rejected offers both near and over 40k.

The kagashan is really the only trophy card where there’s a few of them that the OP might be able to get it, but I’d also want to let sellers know that it’s closer to bottom of the market instead of the top, so that’s me more trying to help out a potential seller.

Charizard is pretty well established and I just commented on it to not leave it out.

There… I’ve lamely justified my commenting.

This is what is going to get you. When you start discussing cards with rarity and price ranges like this, our conceptions of market value don’t really apply. It’s much less about getting a “fair price” for a card than it is putting out a price so desirable that you’ll entice the ridiculously few people who own these cards (and likely have zero desire or need to sell) to consider selling to you.

If I want to get a valuable set card, even something like 1st. ed Charizard, offering a good amount above the publicly available sales price or even the last available sale is likely going to get me one. Trophy cards are a different beast altogether with a different market and we shouldn’t be treating them as the same as set cards.

That being said, you certainly can’t fault someone for putting numbers like this out there.

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My opinion on this matter is that people should not step into these buy threads and tell others that their offer isn’t good enough based on private sales or private sales offers.

It’s completely different if the sales data is a matter of public of record. If a buyer is offering prices well below clearly established market value, people should come into the thread and let OP now.

But private sales / offers are just that - private. There’s a reason the offers are private. IMO, it’s not fair to the person creating a buy thread to say “I know that no available data will tell you this, but trust me, my cards are worth much more than that because of the private offers I’ve received.”

This isn’t to say that people can’t talk about these private sales and offers in general, I just think it’s rude to come into someone’s buying thread and do that.

If it’s in fact true that no one would be willing to sell certain cards for the price OP is offering, then just let the OP not receive any bites. The worst thing that happens is that he either gets no bites at all or he gets a counteroffer for a higher price.