Need all of the following cards from Japanese World Champions Pack, only looking for unlimited versions. Offering $10 USD each for commons, $15 for uncommons, $20 for rares, and $10 for energies I am located in the US.
i got 2 energies and the energy removal 2? honestly just found these in a box with a bunch of other random championship cards i had… not even 100% sure these are what your after. they have 2007 and 2008 on the back… let me know. thanks. can send you a picture if need be.
Not sure if you meant to include Omastar as that’s a rare. It’s the only card on the list I have. It’s got a few patches of wear around the edges but it’d look great in a binder.
I’d sell it to you for $30 with free shipping from the UK if you’re interested?
Although he hasn’t mentioned it specifically, he’s looking for the Japanese unlimited edition World Champions Pack set cards (the EX Power Keepers set in English).
I can defintely understand the confusion based on the names, though. @nish You may want to explicitly mention Japanese somewhere.
I have some of the cards you are after, most in near mint/mint condition. However, I feel like the uncommons and rares deserve a higher price than the commons since there are more commons per pack.