Looking to buy a University Magikarp at around $5500 or equivalent in other currencies. Ideally wanting to get a PSA 5 graded copy at this price (better is always welcome of course ). Finders fee of $500 for the person that hooks me up with a sale. If seller finds me himself, then I will add the finders fee to the sale (so $6000 total).
That is quite the buy thread, good luck in your finding! A note to you about the PSA 5 example, that was a card that was regraded a lot because it was really clean, it just has a very tiny indent on the card which knocked the grade down. So do not expect to find a lot of people with psa 5 copies.
for comps OP, I purchased one raw from japan for $10,000 two months ago ish and it came back PSA 7. I would be surprised if you can snag one at your asking price, imo.
I’m stunned how many options are available atm. Hopefully one of them works out. Even if it’s heavily played l, I don’t think you can regret this purchase.