(WTB) Unlimited Korean Farfetch'd

I am working on completing my farfetch’d all languages collection and am only missing an unlimited korean farfetch’d. I know it was only found in the blackout theme deck. This may be a longshot to see if anyone has one here but if anyone does please let me know. :slight_smile: Will pay $50-200 depending on condition!


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You probably know already but Unlimited Korean is notoriously hard to find

there’s a guy @jameskray who was (is still?) hunting for the holos forever, maybe he’s got some non-holos


I think you are missing the other spanish version, one is 1999-2000 and the other one 1999. Could be wrong, but check that!


Just checked the main Korean sites and unfortunately there’s only a used CP6 copy :pensive:

I guess the next best shot would be to reach out to some of those Korean collectors directly. But I did set up an alert to let me know if one pops up for sale.

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Seriously its so hard to find haha! Thank you

Hmm, Ill look into this thank you!

And same for unlimited!


Sorry for breaking your perfect 24 pocket display :sweat_smile: