WTB VS Series Series Packs & Mint Cards

Looking to purchase a sealed pack of Japanese VS Series. Either Lightning/Grass or Pyschic/Fighting pack. Offering $675.

I’m hoping to open some packs this year to get mint cards for grading. If anyone has pack fresh cards from this series I would also be interested in those.

Located in US


Bumping. Added some other cards in the set that I’m interested in. Made my largest purchase yet recently but for these cards would make exceptions to purchase now :blush:

Got a few, still looking for plenty more. Unown J seems to be elusive but one I do care most about personally. I have a good memory of sitting in an airport looking at this card in my binder as a kid just appreciating it. Hoping someone is willing to sell!




Bump. Feel free to message me if you have any of these!

Bump with updates! 11 to go since I refresh eBay searches all day long.

Bump. Getting very close in the set. Will also consider BGS/CGC 9.5 as I’m becoming disenchanted with how PSA grades.

There’s a Mewtwo PSA for sale on eBay :wink:

Thanks for looking out for some! I sent some offers around $200 to some of those for sale and didn’t get what I’d consider to be reasonable counter offers. For a card I can still buy sealed, I don’t see myself paying over $200 for it so I’ll probably have to grade some myself.

Good luck. Those who have the 10s know the demand isn’t there yet, and know your price is likely the fair market value BUT seeing as everyone has turned into greed monster 2.0, no one is going to actively reach out to you and try and help you with your collection goal although they are holding a handful or even a dozen of them.

I keep track of listings, people’s stores, frequencies of price changes, listings that get pulled, etc. and it’s extremely obvious what is going on. Good luck to you, I hope you finish your collection goals in time before they become so out of reach or priced in a way that you can’t fathom.

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bump with just 5 to go! Also interested in CGC/BGS 9.5 cards!




Bump. Had a fantastic member reach out with an Unown J so I have that in the mail on its way to me now! Just 3 to go and this set is complete for me!

Bump. Changed wants to VS series items.