WTB/WTT: 1st ed, Shadowless, Gold Stars & more!

Hi all,

I am interested in buying the following (updated 12/22/2017):

1st ed Base
- 1st ed PSA 10 Nidoking $1800-2400 (higher premium for thick stamp and strong 10)
- 1st ed PSA 10 Raichu $2400-3600
- 1st ed PSA 10 Machamp $1200-1300
- 1st ed PSA 10 Poliwrath $1600-1900
- 1st ed PSA 10 Clefairy $1700-$2600
- 1st ed PSA 10 Chansey $2000+

- 1st ed PSA 9 Raichu/Mewtwo $400-600 

- 1st ed PSA 10 thick stamp Venusaur (I can trade my thin stamp PSA 10 Venusaur + $500)

- 1st ed PSA 10 thin stamp Blastoise (I can trade my thick stamp PSA 10 Blastoise + cash)

Shadowless Base PSA 10 or 9
- Raichu PSA 10 $3000+

- Zapdos/Mewtwo PSA 10 $1000

- Gyarados/Nidoking PSA 10 $1050

- Ninetales/Poliwrath/Clefairy PSA 10 $950  
- Venusaur PSA 10 $1600+  
- Alakazam/Chansey PSA 10 $2000-3500  


- PSA 10 1st/unlimited Shining Mewtwo $300/$850

- PSA 10 unlimited Shining Charizard $700  
- PSA 9 gold star Rayquaza $1000-1500 strong 9  
- PSA 9 gold star Alakazam $200-$250  

- PSA 9 gold star Charizard $900-1200 strong 9

- Skyridge Booster Box

- Aquapolis Booster Box

- 1st ed Neo Destiny Booster Box

PM to discuss further!


It’s only going to be BGS unless PSA decided to grade foreign cards and I am not aware of that fantastic news yet :open_mouth:


Bump. Updated content!

hey i have a lot of psa 9 shadowless holo’s i was planning to sell and some packfresh holo’s as well. Feel free to pm me , i can get you some pics with timestamps tomorrow :blush:


Sure! Send me a list of the cards and we’ll start from there.


PM sent

PSA does grade foreign cards. I am not sure if PSA grades Chinese cards outside of the base set, though. :blush:

Yup as far as I know only Base sets :stuck_out_tongue:

PMd you. Looking to shift my Chinese Ex Legend BGS cards.

bump. updated list!

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updated list…

So you only need the shadowless with red prices?

The red are prices I am confident in offering at the moment.

Are you considering selling your Shadowless Charizard? :blush:

Don’t get all of our hopes up haha

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NEW updates: items and prices!


there was a psa 10 shadowless mewtwo on ebay a few days ago for $700. Also, crackroc just sold his psa 10 shadowless raichu for $4,000 a few weeks ago i believe. :confused:

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woah 4k, ಠ_ಠ. Did some quick research, turns out it was pop 9 in may 2016, and now its pop 10 1 year later, understandable.

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I have a Japanese gold star zard psa 10 off interested