I’m looking to trade for a Crystal Charizard PSA 9 Holo to complete my crystal set. I’m assigning it a trade value of $1300 (low end value). I have the following cards for trade (low end values as well). Willing to trade any combination to equal as close to $1300 as possible.
1st Ed. Dark Raichu PSA 10 -$325
Snorlax Level X PSA 10 (Very low pop, 1st ever sold was for around $340 and 2nd sold for $400 BIN very quickly)- $450
Flygon Level X PSA 10 - (Also very low pop, nothing to compare it to, but hes less desirable than snorlax… so ) - $250
Treecko Gold Star PSA 8 - $350
Zapdos Holo Legendary Collection PSA 10 - $200
Mewtwo Base Set Unl. PSA 10 - $150
1st Ed. Giov. Gyarados PSA 10- $170
That’s $1900 in cards to pick from. If you don’t see something here I might be willing to part with some of my main collection cards if you need something specific.
you are saying you are giving the low end values of your cards, however Snorlax LV. X 450 USD that’s very very high for a LV. X card and higher than previous sold listings, Giovanni’s gyarados (there is a cheaper one on ebay even with best offer on)
Meanwhile, previous zard psa 9 sold for 1500 usd on the 19th of march.
I’m using my price spreadsheet I redid about a month ago. Ill lower the gyarados price by $5…
But the Snorlax is Pop 3 and one hasn’t been on the market in 6 months.
1st one sold 6/25/17 for $322.50 Auction (see PSA Auctions).
2nd one sold (cant remember date ~ 6 months ago) $400.00 BIN.
I’ve had a few offers of $400 already I’ve turned down. I was looking for $500 but think $450 is extremely fair.
I may be blind (using f.lux) but I think that’s a mis-graded card. Looks very clean and flawless-ly.
@delightful Tyranitar there’s another PSA 9 auction and it’s ending tomorrow. From the pics, the back is horrible, but wait and see when it finishes. So then you can just average the price out?
I wonder if the 15% eBay bucks deal increased prices slightly for today. The max you can earn is $100, so even if that was the case, it still ended at $1700.
I’m really only looking to trade for it right now. After buying 14/15 of the set in 6 months I’m a tad broke. But if the upward price trend is really that dramatic, I suppose I would be willing to go $1500 in trade just to get that card out of the way.
I am sorry to say but I don’t think anyone wants to trade 1500 worth of trade value for a card that just sold for 1800 usd. Also The charizard is much more sought after and much easyer to shift. So flippers or genuine sellers will much rather have that Zard because you can move it quickly
There were quite some high feedback bidders that bid over 1600. the last bidder was a 0 feedback bidder but there were also 1777 usd bids by an account with 11950 feedback, 1728 by a 116 feedback acc, 1702 by a 26 feedback account and 1686 by an account with 179 feedback.
So that shows me theres lots of people willing to pay easily over 1500 for the card
I have to agree with Robbie here. If you’re going to trade a bunch of niche cards for a high end Zard, it’s probably going to cost extra. I’m not sure anyone would bite even if you offered all $1900 worth. Your safest bet would be to sell them for as much as you can and buy your Crystal Zard when you see one at a decent price.
Yeah that’s what I mean. I can move the Charizard in a few hours for $1500+, but the cards he’s offering I would need probably a couple months if I wanted top dollar and I’m not really sure I’d earn the values he’s expecting.