WTT PSA 9 1st ed.Blastoise for a PSA 10 Shadowless Blastoise

I currently own a PSA 9 1st edition Blastoise and I am looking to trade it for a PSA 10 Shadowless Blastoise. I am a big fan of Shadowless and I am trying to complete a gen 1 shadowless trio set of the starter Pokemon’s final evolutions in PSA 10. Hit me up if you are interested. Picture link attached is my card.


You are gonna need to add about 2000 worth of value to the trade. PSA 9 1st ed Blastoises go for around 600-700 while PSA 10 Shadowless go for 2500 +.

Really? That’s crazy. I was going off prices that were of last year. The pattern I noticed was that price values for PSA 9 1st editions were similar in price as PSA 10 Shadowless. I just bought a PSA 10 Venusaur Shadowless for $500. If prices values have changed that much in a year, I am baffled.

PSA 10 Shadowless blastoise is very low pop so it is very rare for it to even pop up on the market.

Agree. I haven’t seen it in a long time in the market place. Not since last year. I should of known, but its hard to value a card unless it shows up from time to time. Which it hasn’t. Thank you for your help.

The last public sale of a Shadowless Blastoise PSA 10 that I’m aware of was $2000. There have been one or two sold within recent weeks/months but you’d have to ask those parties directly for price info unless they want to chime in here.
A thought about value; someone else might pay a lot but if you have a price you are willing to pay that is lower and you believe it is fair, stick to your guns because patience goes a long way and will save you thousands in some cases. I’ve bought many rare items that people valued at 2-4 times the price I paid because I was patient.
Good luck on your set goals. I think at some point that trade may be fair for the right person.

Thank you for the positive input. I will definitely keep this in mind for future purchases. I just got back into collecting and there is definitely alot that I still need to learn. Especially when it comes to sticking to my guns to make a good buy.