WTT: Sealed Green Wing Base Set Box for PSA Charizards

Looking for:

1st Edition PSA 8
Shadowless PSA 9 + cash/extras
Unlimited PSA 10 + cash/ extras

I would like to get 4k worth of value from the box in this trade.

For a PSA 9 1st Edition, I would add cash/extras.

Link to pictures of box: www.ebay.com/itm/163152758131?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

These are unlimited or shadowless cards?

It’s an unlimited box. The country codes on the bottom %100 confirm this.

So looks like there is a box on eBay selling for 3100 and 2800. Maybe if you lower your expectation you will get a bite. Good luck! Green wing does look nice though!

If you ever decide to sell the packs separately, I’ll buy the empty box!

What boxes are you looking at? The green wing variation sells consistently around $3800. I have turned down two offers for $3800 in the past month and one from Australia for $4300.

There is an open box for sale from canada for $2800, and one for $3150 that looks like a green wing “bag” vs. a box. (which is like saying a PSA 5 is worth as much as a PSA 10.)

The lowest priced Green Wing variation box on ebay in good condition is mine, at $4800.

Well, maybe look at moving the box on eBay first and using cash to buy the cards you want on here. Probably easier. Trades are a bit harder.

Whoops yeah the 2800 was a bad example. Just saw the photos closely.

What would you pay for a mint empty box?:wink:

$100 bucks if it’s a 1st edition base box. :blush:

I never understood the huge premium for Green Wing boxes. That being said, what OP is expecting is totally realistic. I also think he’d be better off selling it and buying whatever he wants with the cash.

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He’s talking about a green wing unlimited box.
For a nearmint 1st Ed Base Box ill pay 250.00 and I have buyers for 4-500;)

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yeah, I think there was a sale of 1st ed box for $500 in April/May, which I think is fair given how rare and the condition that was in.

for the green wing, since this is just the unlimited/multi-country variant, I can offer $45 shipped for mint. If it’s the one-country variant, I can offer $65 shipped.

I don’t know what’s fair market value, but this is what it is worth to me.

I think some people just like the Green Wing artwork over the blue wing. Some people probably just like feeling the little bit more exclusivity of it. It’s also got a neat history that showcases WOTC’s decisions during their early success/printing process.

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How much cash are you putting forward in addition to the box for a PSA 9?

What’s the 9 look like?

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like a 10