WTT/WTB Pokemon League & PreRelease Pins

I am looking to purchase or trade for some pokemon league and prerelease pins. Some of these pins have been hard to find, or when I do find them the price is a bit too much for me. Here are the approximate prices I am thinking. I also have a few extra pins I would be willing to trade.

International/World Champ PinsVancouver 2013 Competitor: $20 (White ‘2013’ and Black ‘Vancouver’ text)
World Championships 2006: $30
Raichu 2017 Championship Latin America: $15
Raichu 2017 Championship Oceania: $15
Nashville 2018 Staff: $30
DC 2019 Staff: $30
Galar Starters Oceania 2020: $15

PreRelease Pins
EX Team Rocket Returns: $15
EX Team Rocket Returns Winner: $15
EX Emerald Winner: $15
EX Deoxys Winner: $15

Promotional Pins
E3 2019 Exclusive Pokemon Sword And Shield 3 Pin Set
E3 2017 2019 Pokken Tournament dx Shadow Mewtwo Pin
Gamescom 2016 Nintendo Pokkén Tournament Pokemon Tekken Dx Pikachu Promo Pin: $10
Pokemon Masters Pin: $10

Pins for Trade

Please help me fix those holes in my collection!


Keep in mind it usually costs us a bit more for stuff as we near the end of a collection. Go ahead and pay the extra if you find one your missing. In the long run, it’s no big deal:)


i cant tell if you already have it but there is a pin for the game “pokemon masters” they gave out at worlds this year

I have had my eye on a few other promotional pins but I am not sure if I want to collect them yet. My goal is to collect pins related to TCG.

  • E3 2019 Exclusive Pokemon Sword And Shield 3 Pin Set
  • E3 2017 2019 Pokken Tournament dx Shadow Mewtwo Pin
  • Gamescom 2016 Nintendo Pokkén Tournament Pokemon Tekken Dx Pikachu Promo Pin
  • Pokemon Masters Pin

I would be willing to trade pins for these if anyone is interested.

Ahhhh ok, btw theres a 2006 worlds pin on ebay

bump, updated some purchased pins

Bumping. I am curious if anyone can find a picture of “EX Team Rocket Returns” pin, I haven’t actually seen one but assumed it was a thing since there is a winner pin.
Also with the TCG championships cancelled, I don’t know if the Europe or North America 2020 pins will ever be released