Yahoo Japan sellers don't allow bidding on their products. Why?

Hey Guys

I am currently trying to buy some BB cases from Yahoo Japan. When I use Buyee I realized some sellers don’t let me bid on their products.
What is the reason for this and is there a workaround?
Do I need to set up my own account on and use Tenso? Or is there another way a round it?


For some reason, some Japanese sellers want the products they sell to stay within their own country… Really annoying tbch, and not sure why they dislike selling to foreigners so much.

Anyway, in the past when I encountered such a thing on Buyee, I used a lesser known middleman website like FromJapan. But these days, those sellers know about FromJapan as well… :unamused: So if I really wanted the item and it isn’t sold through Buyee nor FromJapan, I ask a Japanese friend of mine here on the forum to help me out. If you’re unable to find an alternative, I could PM you his username if you want.



Wow I actually did not know about the reason @quuador mentioned. I have only not been able to bid 2 times so far via my middleman on YJP, and on asking why, my middleman stated that the seller has been blacklisted on their database due to previous complaints.

So I was going to mention if that’s the same issue in your case. Not sure if Buyee also has such a list. I use them as my middleman, so maybe you can check if you can bid.



Oh, it’s plausible some of the buyers I’ve encountered had that same reason. :thinking:

But I do know of one seller from whom I couldn’t order from Buyee, FromJapan, nor Noppin, so they defintely didn’t want to sell to any middleman services for some reason.


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Thank you for the explanation, guys. Then I hope if the item comes up for a good price that the seller will sell to foreigners. Luckily, the problem is not finding a case per se, but rather not finding it for a reasonable price.

What exactly do you see when you open the page? I’m fairly certain sellers can’t decide that middleman accounts can’t bid on their auctions. You are not allowed to bid on these products because the middleman company had a ‘bad experience’ with the seller (Buyee is the one not letting you bid). This happens like @mrbubbles said if there have been complaints, or the seller refuses to sell the item for the winning bid. The complaint could of course be the result of sellers who refuse to work with middleman services on principle. Some accounts used by e.g. Buyee are well known by sellers and they can delete your bid.

Here an example. You can try if another forwarding service like ZenMarket does not have the seller blacklisted (although there often is a good reason for a block).

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Indeed, seller prob does not like buyee acc and deletes bid, mercari can block buyee before smth happens though! I have my own Yahoo Japan account, so I can help out any members who are buying something blocked or expensive, but still no Mercari :frowning: Mercari is even harder to pay
for the item as well, so just use buyee