Yahoo JP Help

How do you guys use Yahoo Japan? Every time I follow a link, or search it, it’s always in Japanese(obviously) and I’m confused how you guys can navigate the site and it’s auctions as a non Japanese speaker. Sorry for the noobism, thanks. :^)

To buy from Japan you have to use a proxy service. Some of the most famous ones are Buyee and ZenMarket. You can browse Yahoo directly from the proxy’s website, which does some translation automatically. However you will probably often need to translate some stuff yourself or use Japanese characters so I’d recommend installing the Google Translate extension for your browser. The whole procedure is inherently cumbersome unfortunately.

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The E4 Yahoo Japan Search Guide can help a lot! We’ve catalogued a list of common search terms which you can copy-paste into the search bar. That should at least help with finding the auctions, getting a middleman service set up and working through everything there is a whole nother story :wink:


Google translate is your friend (use Chrome). I also keep a list with my search terms in Japanese which I can quickly copy paste.


Thanks for the replies everyone. That makes sense now, I thought it was something easily used on the first try, so that reassures me(I will get the hang of it) . I was also not aware of the e4 thread about yahoo JP. Thanks everyone! :open_mouth:)

I usually use Buyee, which somewhat simplifies things ~

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