Hello - was wondering if there was a section or thread regarding middlemen…I live in Phoenix, had a deal that fell through when I was on my honeymoon in San Diego (yes was looking at pokemon cards on offerup during honeymoon). Now that I’m back in phoenix I really want the cards but no way we can get the deal done now. He won’t accept paypal via anything but friends and family because he had an incident where he sent something high value and they won the claim saying there was nothing in the box…and I won’t accept sending friends and family because it’s just a stranger. You guys ever set up a network where you help each other for a fee in different cities or anything like that?
No, but I can help you complete your deal in SD if you give me a nice fat bonus
Depends on how big this bonus is!
Very good question. There’s sometimes deals in classified ads here in Canada but they’re in different provinces. Some of these sellers don’t even know what paypal is. I need to build a network of Pokemon people everywhere.
All that seller has to do though is record putting your cards in the package with the paypal shipping label on it though.
I know. Or they always want friends and family which is too risky.
PM me, I live in SD. Let me know what it is and where… if its close I can help.
God to the rescue. Hallelujah!
You mere morals need some saving every once in a while.
Thank you god haha and hypernova but unfortunetly the the guy isn’t answering any messages anymore so I’m guessing the cards are gone oh well.

Thank you god haha and hypernova but unfortunetly the the guy isn’t answering any messages anymore so I’m guessing the cards are gone
oh well.
Sorry bud
It really makes me cringe when someone demands a friends and family payment. *insert that’s not how this works meme*